
Approval of the title of "Swiss Beauty Champion" of the SCS
The title of “Swiss Beauty Champion” is awarded by the SCS
:To dogs that have won four CAC under at least three different judges, at Swiss shows according to art. 1.1 and 1.21 of the IR, including two during exhibitions according to art. 1.11 of the IR. For the approval of the title of “Swiss Beauty Champion”, between the first and the last CAC, a minimum period of 11 months and one day must have elapsed. If the breed club makes the approval of this title dependent on specific conditions, these conditions must be met

Approval of the title of “Swiss Show Champion” of the SCS
The title of “Swiss Show Champion” is awarded by the SCS:
For the homologation title of "Swiss Show Champion", the dog must obtain 3 CAC under 3 different judges. It is imperative to get
2 CAC at International Dog Shows. There is no minimum or maximum time limit.
The title of "Swiss Show Champion" gives access to entry in the Champion class.

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