It was in 1899 that the Romande Society for Canine Improvement was founded in Lausanne.
In 1926 the name was changed to become Société canine vaudoise and finally a little later the current name of Société Vaudoise de Cynologie.
The founding members were: Messrs. Rouiller, from Bude, Coeytaux, Schweizer, Di Huber, Chatelain and Kohler.
The SVC has achieved its objectives perfectly: organization of international dog shows, founding member of ANIMALIA in Lausanne,
creation of educational groups and handlers of avalanche dogs.
The Société Vaudoise de Cynologie is currently made up of 2 groups:
The exhibition group which organizes each year over 3 days in November, within the Automnales de Genève, 3 international dog shows and
1 national exhibition with the participation of more than 4000 dogs per day, half of which come from all over Europe.
The Education group which, as its name suggests, deals with the education of the dog from an early age.
The Société Vaudoise de Cynologie (SVC) has been fighting for almost a century to promote the dissemination of purebred dogs
in the canton of Vaud. She has created and supports local groups for the rational education of our four-legged friends.
It organizes several dog shows every year. It defends the interests of its members, utility dogs (defensive, avalanche, guide for the blind, etc.)